Silnik General Electric INNIO Jenbacher J624 J624 do General Electric Jenbacher INNIO J624

Jeśli zdecydowałeś się na zakup pojazdu w niskiej cenie, upewnij się że konwersujesz z prawdziwym dealerem. Dowiedz się czegoś więcej o właścicielu pojazdu. Jeden ze sposobów oszustwa – podać się za realnie istniejącą firmę. Gdy podejrzewasz oszustwo, zgłaszaj je w formularzu kontaktowym dla przeprowadzenia dodatkowej kontroli.
Zanim dokonasz zakupu, uważnie zapoznaj się z kilkoma ofertami sprzedaży, aby poznać średnią wartość wybranego modelu. Jeśli cena wybranej przez Ciebie oferty jest znacznie niższa od analogicznych ogłoszeń, warto się zastanowić. Znacząca różnica w cenie może świadczyć o ukrytych defektach lub o próbie oszustwa przez sprzedającego.
Nie kupuj pojazdu, którego cena znacznie różni się od średniej ceny za analogiczny sprzęt.
Nie zgadzaj się na płacenie zadatku za towar. W razie wątpliwości nie bój się pytać o szczegóły dotyczące ogłoszenia, poprosić o dodatkowe zdjęcia i dokumenty pojazdu. Sprawdzaj ich poprawność i zadawaj dodatkowe pytania.
Najbardziej rozpowszechniony typ oszustwa. Nieuczciwi sprzedawcy mogą prosić o wpłatę zadatku dla "rezerwacji" twojego prawa na zakup pojazdu. W ten sposób oszuści gromadzą duże kwoty i znikają, przestają odbierać telefon.
- Transfer zadatku na kartę
- Nie wpłacaj zadatku bez dokumentów, które miały by potwierdzić przekazanie środków, jeśli podczas współpracy sprzedający wzbudza podejrzenia.
- Transfer na konto "zaufanej osoby"
- Podobna prośba powinna wzbudzić podejrzenia, prawdopodobnie konwersujesz z oszustem.
- Transfer na konto firmy o podobnej nazwie
- Bądź czujny, oszuści mogą maskować się pod znane firmy, wprowadzając nieznaczne zmiany do nazwy. Nie przesyłaj środków jeśli nazwa firmy wzbudza podejrzenia.
- Podstawienie własnych danych do przelewu w fakturze realnej firmy
- Zanim zrealizujesz płatność, upewnij się o prawdziwości podanych danych do przelewu i czy na pewno należą do tej firmy.
Kontakt do sprzedającego

JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 45000 (approx. 5000 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6600 V, rated current 385 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type DOC 5.500/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 7676/1824-4/2-2/2,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
1 JENBACHER gas genset for production of electricity composed of:
JENBACHER gas Motor type JMS 624 GS-NL, 4.4 MW power (4400 kW), 1500 rpm, 24 cylinder, bore 190 mm x stroke 220 mm,
year 2012, total running hours approx. 38000 (approx. 5100 starts),
rated power 4401 KW (4,4 MW), rated frequency 50 Hz, rated voltage 6300 V, rated current 403 A,
AVK generator / alternator type DIG 142 1/4,
ABB / DIESTRE transformer type POV 5.000/17.5 to transform the output tension of the generator to 15000 V,
EVAPCO chiller type LRW 30-5H,
LUWA chiller type EKV 8436/1824-4/3-3/3,
installation supplied with auxiliaries and electrical panels ready to work.
Jenbacher J624 :
A two-stage turbocharged V24-cylinder engine delivering outstanding power generation. The biggest engine in Type 6 family with the highest power output and efficiency.